
Yoga Sadhana Beginner

Previously known as 21-Day Yoga Challenge

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Whats Included?

1. 90 minute recorded session every morning

Every session will include 20 minutes of Yoga philosophy explained in an applicable way to help you take control of your thoughts & emotions. This will be followed by 60 minutes of step by step asana practice. Read More
The practice will include asanas both from Hatha and Ashtanga style. You will also follow guided meditations & pranayama. We will end the session with 10 minutes of practical healthy habits that will help you change your food and lifestyle to reach your peak health. You will learn the benefits of cleansing practices like sunbathing and fasting along with food habits like juicing and having a wholesome diet.

2. Deep Yogic Knowledge

Most people feel lost, alone & stressed in life. The Yogic philosophy deeply understands the human psychology and talks about simple yet powerful tools to navigate the ups and downs of life. Read More
We will dive into the Ashtanga philosophy and learn about the 8 limbs of yoga these are beautiful values to live by. This is explained in a simple and fun way through stories, analogies and activities!

3. Meal Plans & Diet

Satvic foods are not only conducive to your yoga practice but also have the power to prevent and heal your diseases. Every day we will help you make a healthy food addition to your life. Read More
This workshop is designed in a way that you absorb the knowledge without getting overwhelmed & can actually implement it in your life. Don’t worry, Satvic meals are neither boring nor tasteless! This plant based power packed way of eating will bring you tons of energy each day!

4. Recordings of All Sessions

If you live outside India or miss a session due to an emergency, no worries! The replay links of each session will be provided for 1 day.

Benefits You Will Gain by practising yoga every day

Experience higher energy levels
Understand your thoughts & emotions
Feel more stable
Have better relationships

Curriculum For
The 21 Days

Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Day 1
Knowledge - Ashtanga Yoga
Practice - Yoga for Balance
Relaxation - Yoga Nidra
Day 2
Knowledge - Ahimsa
Practice - Yoga for Legs
Pranayama - Anulom Vilom
Day 3
Knowledge - Satya
Practice - Yoga for Arms & Shoulders
Pranayama - Yogic Breathing
Day 4
Knowledge - Asteya
Practice - Yoga for the Back
Special - Soup fast
Day 5
Knowledge - Brahmacharya
Practice - Yoga for Hips & Pelvis
Relaxation - Guided Meditation
Day 6
Knowledge - Aparigrah
Practice - Yoga for abdominals
Relaxation- Bhav Meditation
Day 7
Practice - Trataka Dhyaan
Practice - Full Body Flow
Special - Quiz
Day 8
Knowledge - Shauch
Practice - Suryanamaskar A
Pranayama - Ujjayi Breathing
Day 9
Knowledge - Santosh
Practice - Yin Yoga
Pranayama - Affirmations
Day 10
Knowledge - Tapas
Practice - Suryanamaskar B
Relaxation - Yoga Nidra
Day 11
Knowledge - Svadhyaya
Practice - Yoga for flexibility
Special - Smoothie Fast
Day 12
Knowledge - Ishwar Pranidhan
Practice - Heart Opening Yoga
Pranayama - Kirtan
Day 13
Knowledge - Asanas
Practice - Deep stretch
Relaxation - Savasana
Day 14
Practice - Trataka Dhyaan
Practice - Inversions
Special - Quiz
Day 15
Knowledge - Pranayama
Practice - Detox Yoga
Pranayama - 3 Types of Pranayama
Day 16
Knowledge - Pratyahara
Practice - Yoga for stress relief
Relaxation - 5 sense Meditation
Day 17
Knowledge - Dharana
Practice - Yoga for Concentration
Relaxation - Mantra Chanting
Day 18
Knowledge - Meaning of OM
Practice - Satvic Yoga Flow
Relaxation - Om Chanting
Day 19
Knowledge - Dhyan
Practice - Satvic Yoga Flow
Relaxation - Guided Meditation
Day 20
Knowledge - Samadhi
Practice - Satvic Yoga Flow
Special - ABCD of Yoga
Day 21
Practice - Trataka Dhyaan
Practice - Satvic Yoga Flow
Special - Quiz

About the Hosts

Radhika Gupta

Radhika Gupta

Radhika was trained by Dr. Balasundra Srinatha and BNS Iyengar in Mysore in 2017. This in-depth course gave her the required skills to make yoga available online so that it reaches millions of people. She has an Honours degree in Psychology from Lady Shree Ram College, Delhi. She combines the tools of modern science and ancient scriptures to help you grow better. At 28, Radhika was diagnosed with breast cancer. This is when her journey of Yoga began. She practised yoga for years, even while going through chemotherapy. Today, she is healthier & more grounded than ever before.

Radhika Gupta

Subah Saraf

Subah is an acclaimed health educator, published author and co-founder of the health education platform 'Satvic Movement'. Subah's journey into health began after she healed her own chronic diseases (thyroid imbalance, PCOD, major hairfall and acne) by following natural healing principles. At the young age of 17, she decided to devote her life to the purpose of uplifting people's health. She learnt the science of nature cure under the guidance of multiple Indian masters. Subah's goal is to share this intricate healing knowledge with as many people as possible, so that we can move closer to a disease-free world.

Radhika Gupta

Akshay Jain

Akshay, an inner-work teacher at Satvic Movement, discovered his passion for yoga at the age of 20. His dedication led him to attend over a dozen inner work programs across various yoga schools, immersing himself in the practice for 4-6 hours daily over many years. Through this journey, he experienced profound transformations in his mental and physical well-being, finding deep stillness within. Driven by a calling to share his experiences, Akshay now hosts transformative kriyas, meditations, and inner experiences in the Yoga Wing. With a focus on creating a safe and nurturing environment, he guides his students into states of deep relaxation and self-discovery.




Yes, the 21-Day Yoga Challenge is now known as 21-Day Yoga Sadhana Beginner. It is the exact same program.

Yes, this workshop is for absolutely everyone! We will learn and practise asanas step by step in the first week, focussing on each body part. Second week onwards, we will focus on breath and alignment and only in the 3rd week, will we move towards flows. This workshop is for all ages and all levels.

Not to worry! Even though it would be best to attend the sessions early morning with the community, you may choose to practice at any other time during the day. The replay links will be provided for 1 day after the session.

Yes, absolutely! This challenge along with the Satvic lifestyle will help you reverse your chronic conditions.

The sessions will be in a pre-recorded format. This way, the experience over zoom webinar will be seamless. Also, the teachers will be supporting you in real time on the Facebook group.

Yoga is very beneficial for pregnant women. However, the asanas need to be planned based on the specific trimester. Since we are hosting this workshop online, we are not equipped to provide one-on-one guidance for pregnant women. Therefore, it would be best for pregnant mothers to avoid this workshop.

Yes, there is absolutely no problem. In every class, modifications will be taught so you can adapt each asana to your comfort. If you're experiencing pain, you can simply skip the physical practice and participate in the relaxation.

Yes, we encourage you to join the sessions to get rid of your pain. For every posture, modifications will be taught so you can practice as per your capability. You will see a huge improvement in your flexibility and pain level with each passing day. We recommend that you double up your mat and have 2 cushions available while you practice with us.

We will share a self practice guide at the end of the workshop with a large library of videos and tutorials that will help you continue your practice. You will also learn a fixed 40 minute practice that you can continue to practice everyday. You will have access to a large library of self practise videos as well as tutorials to perfect your asanas.

The course will be held on the Satvic App. You won't need to switch on your camera or mic. We'll share all the details about accessing the course 7 days before it starts.
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If you are not satisfied with the quality, we can give your money back
no question asked.

Who is this for?


For Working Professionals

You live a very busy life & have no time to exercise? Well, this workshop is for you! This will help you start your morning right & elevate your life

For Homemakers

Always taking care of others but forget to do something meaningful for your own health? It's time to do something wonderful for yourself so you can support your family even better.

For Senior Citizens

If you're looking to get guidance on how to practise yoga step-by-step to get rid of any aches & pains, join us!

For Students Wanting Better Focus

If you're focusing on self growth and want unwavering focus & concentration to accomplish your goals, this workshop is for you!

For Spiritual Seekers

You are spiritually inclined but do not know where to start? Well, this workshop will help build a solid spiritual foundation.

If You Want To Reverse A Disease

If you're struggling with any lifestyle disease - such as diabetes, thyroid, PCOD. blood pressure, these 21 days will teach you how to reverse your disease naturally by changing your food and lifestyle.

Testimonials Tap to watch what our students are saying

Priyanka Sapra
43, Gurgaon
Harshul Bansal
23, Lakshmi Nagar
Dr. Surbhi and Gaurav Malhotra
46, Noida
Alma Dhingra
36, Gurgaon

People are saying

Highlighted review
Vipin Nair
30, Thiruvalla
I have been practising yoga since last 7 years, but I lacked continuity because I had difficulty waking up early. However, for the Satvic Yoga Sadhana, I would wake up before time, prepare my room with the yoga mat & water & be ready for the positive energy. I want this challenge to go on everyday for the entire year.
Highlighted review
Vipin Nair
30, Thiruvalla
I have been practising yoga since last 7 years, but I lacked continuity because I had difficulty waking up early. However, for the Satvic Yoga Sadhana, I would wake up before time, prepare my room with the yoga mat & water & be ready for the positive energy. I want this challenge to go on everyday for the entire year.
22, Tirupathi
I always thought yoga is only for people with perfect bodies who can do all the asanas easily. I knew I was not fit enough to practice all the difficult asanas, and that's why I always stayed away from yoga.Read More
All of this changed with the 21 day Yoga Sadhana. I can't believe that within 21 days I was able to practice bakasana (crow pose). Not just that, I can now do a headstand also (almost perfectly) and this is a dream come true for me.The yoga sadhana brought out my spiritual side that I had no idea about. I realised how attracted I had been to the materialistic world. I learnt how to detach myself from all the ego, anger and fear within me. Somewhere in the journey, I have also developed respect for all creatures in nature.
Meetu Singh
40, Noida
After Yoga workshop, I am mentally and emotionally more grounded. I'm able to forgive easily and feel at peace now. Even though I live alone, I am never lonely.Read More
My confidence is high and I like my own company., Yoga is an integral part of my life now. I have started studying and working towards enhancing my skills more. Most importantly, I AM A HAPPY PERSON NOW!
Divya K
35, Bangalore
A complete decade of laziness, procrastination and goal less life finally come to an end during the Yoga Sadhana!
As days passed in this sadhana, Read More
I slowly started smiling. I felt active through the day and started feeling good about myself. My deep dark circles started disappearing & I was able to have peaceful meaningful conversations with family members.
Lokesh Chundawat
25, Rajasthan
Since 3-4 months, I was going through depression and was unable to sleep. I didn't have a choice but to take pills.
I'm so happy to say that this yoga sadhana helped me come out of depression and made me more selfconfident. I don't even take pills anymore!
Jagruti Sheth
27, Mumbai
The Yoga Sadhana helped me to change my food habits immensely. I easily gave up my morning heavy breakfast which was replaced by detox juice and fruits. My biggest achievement was giving up tea which I used to take 3-4 times in a day.

Yoga Sadhana Beginner

Join the Waitlist  arrow DateSleep better and eat healthier DateActivation of all muscle groups DateHigh energy levels and much more

21-Day Yoga Sadhana